Drowsy Lab.

A Jorney to Inner Peace.

Enter a Deep Hypnotic State with the "Silly Face Method"

Feeling overwhelmed by stress and in need of a quick refresh? Good news! The "Silly Face Method" can help you achieve deep relaxation anytime, anywhere.

Meeting a Relaxation Master on the Train

One winter morning, as the sunlight streamed into the train, I encountered a master of relaxation right in front of me. 

With her mouth half-open, eyes slightly rolled back, and her face completely relaxed, she exuded calmness. Her body was also entirely limp, resembling a real-life version of "Gudetama" (a popular Japanese lazy egg character). 

Bathed in the winter sunlight, her "silly face" appeared almost divine. At first, I was worried she might have crossed over, but upon closer inspection, I noticed she was breathing quietly. This must be the ultimate state of relaxation, I thought.

The Birth of the "Silly Face Method"

Wait a minute. By mimicking her posture, that is, the "Gudetama posture" and her "silly face," could I reach a deep state of tranquility? With this thought, I observed her thoroughly. Once home, I tried to recreate her posture while sitting in a chair.

My intuition was correct. After a while, I felt my rational mind calm down. The deeper the silly face became, the more I entered a profound altered state of consciousness. 

This is amazing, I thought. Through repeated self-experimentation and refinement, I perfected what I now call the "Silly Face Method."

What is the "Silly Face Method"?

The "Silly Face Method" involves consciously creating a "silly face," which naturally appears when deeply relaxed, to enter a profound state of hypnosis. It is simple but highly effective.

How to Do It

  1. Look upwards with eyes rolled back
  2. Relax your facial muscles and keep your mouth half-open
  3. Let your whole body go limp
  4. Call out your name (to address your subconscious)

Try to look as far upwards as possible, aiming to see your forehead or hairline. You can close your eyes if you wish. Breathe deeply and quietly.

Thoroughly relax your cheek and jaw muscles, keeping your mouth half-open. Aim for the most "silly" face you can imagine.

Think, "Silly, sillier, even sillier. Beyond the horizon, even sillier." I know it sounds silly, but bear with me.

Then, gently call your own name, addressing your subconscious.

Effects of the Silly Face Method

This revolutionary relaxation method can provide several specific benefits:

  • Stress Relief and Refreshment

Instantly relieve stress from daily life. Perfect for a quick mood change. Practice discreetly in the office or before bed at home for a good night's sleep.

  • Enhanced Concentration and Creativity

By relaxing and resting your brain, boost your concentration and creativity. Easily access a state of mind where ideas flourish.

  • Self-Exploration and Meditation Aid

It becomes easier to have conversations with your inner self, amplifying the effects of self-exploration and meditation. Simplify accessing your subconscious.

  • Beauty and Anti-Aging Effects   Relaxing facial muscles reduces strain, preventing wrinkles and sagging. Whole-body relaxation improves circulation, promoting healthy skin.

Advanced Applications

For an even deeper relaxation effect, try these advanced techniques:

  • Combine with meditation or yoga
  • Add self-suggestion or self-hypnosis
  • Engage your senses with music or fragrances

Precautions ⚠️

While the Silly Face Method is highly effective, keep these precautions in mind:

  • Be Mindful of the Place and Situation

It might be best to practice the Silly Face Method discreetly in public or in front of others, as your "silly face" might make people around you uncomfortable or come across as rude. 

It also has the power to ruin even a century-long romance in an instant. It's safest to practice in a private space.

  • Don't Overdo It

Looking upwards too much or relaxing your facial muscles too intensely for too long can cause discomfort like headaches or stiff shoulders. 

There is also the possibility of becoming too relaxed and finding it hard to return to your normal active state. Finish in a reasonable time and practice again later.


The Silly Face Method is easy for beginners to start. Make it a daily routine and achieve the ultimate relaxation. A stress-free life awaits you.

Thank you for reading.